Saturday, December 4, 2010

I feel like Writing.

Hello Friends!

What's up? I hope you guys are doing well. Today is Saturday, and I've totally been bumming all day long. I tried really hard to work on some school work, and failed miserably. Finally, I decided to just stop and rest on school tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Nevertheless, here I am. It's snowing outside (which makes me so excited!), I have a mug of coffee right next to my laptop, and worship music is playing in my headphones.

So much has gone on the past few weeks in this journey with Jesus, it's been absolutely blowing my mind. I'm doing a Bible study called Breaking Free by Beth Moore, and it's breaking me...He's breaking me. And, you know, it hurts to look into yourself and see just how sinful you are, and to see things that must be broken. But, He shows so gently and so lovingly. To think, He wants our all to be in Him, just how it's supposed to be.

I was talking to one of my RAs the other day (By the way, I solemnly believe that I live on the best hall at LU...), and she was sharing with me what happens when someone is refining gold.

The Refiner takes the gold, and puts it in the fire to burn out all of the impurities. Now, it's important that the Refiner doesn't leave the gold, because it may get too hot, and then it would be worthless. So, when the Refiner thinks that the gold is getting to hot, he will take it off the fire for a while, then he will put it back on. Until eventually, the gold is fully refined and free of all impurities. You know how the Refiner knows the gold is finally refined? He can look at the gold, and see Himself in it.

Oh, Praise God that He doesn't leave, or stop, until Jesus is gloriously revealed in us. And how amazing is it to think that even though we are constantly running after other "gods", He yearningly, lovingly responds with great patience. He continues to pursue, showing us all He is, how much He desires us...and He begins the refining process, that we could be like His Son.

We are in the Christmas season right now...particularly the season of Advent. A time of waiting on the promised Messiah, a time of great hope and anticipation. I urge you (and myself), to spend time with Him in this season of waiting. Let Him in the deepest parts of your heart. Be refined. There is freedom to be found, and walked in.

Be encouraged, Child of God, YOU are His, and He isn't letting go. May He alone be revealed in our lives.

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