Sunday, November 14, 2010


I went home this weekend. In fact, I'm sitting at home while typing this blog. It's been nice. I spend the weekend with my aunt. And things are like they used to be between us. Which is really good. Shows how God can reconcile relationships. :)

Last night, I was listening to a sermon preached by Matt Chandler. If you don't know who he is, you should totally check him out. More importantly, if you don't know Who his God should check Him out. :)

The sermon was on Colossians 1:15-16
"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."

Wow. Crazy, right? Our King Jesus is over all things...whether they can be seen or not, He created all things...for His glory. This means that the pursuit of our King should be Primary, not secondary. Think on this for a second. Let's say I am addicted to alcohol (which I'm not, but this is a good example) and I desperately want to be free of that addiction. Now, that's something very good to desire, right? Freedom from something that brings physical destruction on myself, as well as hurts those around me. But what if being free from alcohol was my primary pursuit, what if all I focused on was being free from that addiction? Chances are I would keep falling into it, because that would be all that is on my mind. Being free. This illustration can go for many things. Freedom from anger, pornograpgy, drugs, pride, gluttony, laziness, and the list continues on. Wanting to be free is a very good desire, but when that freedom becomes our primary focus we remain in  bondage.

But, when Jesus becomes our Primary pursuit, things change. And we don't have to focus so hard in being free. Because when you pursue Freedom itself, the chains fall to the ground...

This really struck me hard because I have so many things that I want to be free from. And I realized last night that sometimes I pursue that freedom more than I pursue my King. Really, this brings incredible liberation. To know that I do not have to free myself, but only pursue the Lover of my soul. And He certainly doesn't hide.

May I encourage you to pursue the One Who is Freedom. Let that pursuit be Primary. He alone is worthy. May we lay down our idols (no matter how "good" they may be) and run after Him with all we are.

Jesus loves you, and so do I.


1 comment:

  1. Miranda,

    This is really good, and very true. Many of us can apply this to our lives, myself included. I have never thought of being bonded to something because I am so focused on being set free of it. I loved your illustration, and this is not something I'm going to forget soon. Thank you for sharing this. Please keep writing and may the Lord continue to guide you in your life.
