Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Living Book.

I sit at Barnes and Noble after a hard day. I hadn't felt like myself all day long and it had been difficult. I wasn't sure why. So, I sat with my journal and my Bible open to Ephesians...listening as my sweet King Jesus whispered words of my promise to my weary heart.

Every now and again, I would look up from where I was sitting and scan the aisles. Mostly because I love people watching...and I do it without even realizing it sometimes. Yet, as I scanned the aisles, I began to see something deeper than just the people.

There are thousands of books in Barnes and least. It is a very happy place for someone like me. You can find a book on anything. Health. Porcupines. The Pharaohs of  Egypt. Underwater Basket Weaving. Literally, anything.

But there is one Book that is different from all the rest. It is living and breathing. It has a heart that beats for every single person that has ever set foot in the store...and then some. It beckons each person by name to come and be satisfied.

What Book?

The Word of God.

The Word of God spoken by the Word Himself spills words across pages that tell the story of redemption. It's a story that carries such weight and beauty. A story of the King who steps down from His throne to redeem a people that are His Own....but they don't recognize Him. Instead they condemn Him to death....a cruel death. So, He willingly lays down His life, continuing to weave the scarlet thread with His blood through the story He is telling.

Three days later, He rises. Flesh and blood, bearing scars of love eternally, He rises. Never to die again. Joy spills from His laugh, love like oceans pours from His heart, His eyes burn with a jealous fire as He wages war for our hearts.

This Word..this different. Through it, Jesus beckons you and I to come to Him and be satisfied. He asks us to come in order for Him to LAVISH His love on us.

Maybe He is asking you the same question of you that He asked me yesterday...

--> I long to lavish My love on you. Won't you let Me? Will you stop fretting long enough to hear Me speaking calm over the storm you think you're in? Only to find there wasn't a storm at were just focusing on the waves instead of on My face. Find Me faithful here, Beloved. I haven't left. I haven't changed. I love you. Right here - I love you. <--

What are you waiting for? Go to Jesus. He loves you so.

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