Sunday, November 1, 2015

Refiner's Fire

There is a deep beauty here. A depth that I do not understand. The flames of my Refiner's blazing love burn all around me. Sometimes I wonder if my tears could extinguish the flame, but His love and grace blaze more fierce than the deepest of my sorrow.

I have asked for this season to be cut short. Prayed that the work could be accomplished in a shorter amount of time. That this wayward heart of mine would be molded in the heat quickly. Yet, all that comes is the knowing gaze of my Refiner - signaling clearly that is not His will. Then there is silence.

And, sometimes, it is deafening.

But, I am grateful for it. Even though the hurt is real, there is more running underneath, more happening than simply what meets the eye. A newness being birthed. Dross being burned away. Ultimately, the Refiner's chief joy is heating this fire again and again until He sees His reflection.

The reality is - it is impossible to be burned as long as the Refiner is close by. And, He promised to never leave. I am called to trust the loving grip of my Refiner's scarred hands.

He is at work here. He will accomplish what He set forth to do. And, the end result will be beautiful. For now, though, I give myself to the fire of His love and set my gaze on His beauty beaming from within the blaze.

Sunday, August 16, 2015


"Finally Pilate handed Him [Jesus] over to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus." John 19:16

My eyes got stuck on these words the other day as my heart feasted on the Living Word of life. I poured over them - over and over again - eyes wide in wonder over the beauty of the Gospel found in these few words. Let's just remember Who we are talking about here...

Colossians 1 says: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." (vs. 15-17)

And, the soldiers took charge of Him? Are you kidding me? Jesus was the very reason those soldiers could even take their next breath. He was the reason their muscles and tendons held together. He was why they didn't turn into a puddle on the ground. For crying out loud, even in that moment, Jesus - beaten, weary, and bloody - could have turned those soldiers into said puddle without lifting a finger. All He had to do was speak a word...and the soldiers would've been broken on the spot.

But He didn't.

All of His might, all of His power - tempered into meekness as He allows the soldiers to lead Him away to a cross that was mine and yours. Doesn't it seem too good to be true?

Earlier that day, Jesus had a conversation with Pilate, it was rather one-sided, and it went like this:
"Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked Him, 'Are you the king of the Jews?' 'Yes, it is as you say.', Jesus replied. When He was accused by the chief priests and the elders, He gave no answer. Then Pilate asked Him, 'Don't you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?' But He gave no reply, not even to a single charge - to the great amazement of the governor." Matthew 27:11-14

Why on earth didn't Jesus answer for Himself? It makes no sense - even Pilate stood dumbfounded by the silence of the One called the King of the Jews. The reasoning stands the same as to why He let the soldiers take charge of Him...

Jesus didn't rise to His own defense when He was accused. For in His silence, He rose to ours.

He was willing to do everything needed to bring us redemption. We know how the story goes, right? Those soldiers took Jesus and nailed Him the the cross - leaving Him to drown in His own blood. But, the soldiers weren't expecting what would happen a few days later:

Jesus rose. He walked out of the grave, sealing our redemption forever.

Child of God, what is keeping you from resting in His love tonight? Jesus gave all for you - and He wants all of you.Won't you let Him have it? You won't regret it.

"He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all - how will He also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:32

Friday, June 5, 2015

Dreaming in the Darkness.

I love to dream.

I am not talking about dreaming while I sleep, either. I'm talking about those things that come inside my mind + heart that make me grin from ear to ear without me realizing it. Then, when I come to again, I realize how big of a cheesin' fool I probably look like to everyone around me. But I don't care.

Because I love to dream.

And, I especially love dreaming with Jesus. Mostly because His dreams are so much bigger than mine are + I like learning to dream big like He does. (What daughter doesn't want to be like her Dad, right?!).

In this season, I am seeing His promises come to life. It's not like these promises weren't alive before, it's just that I didn't believe them. I don't like admitting that. But, it's true. This season, though, is one of walking through darkness.

You guys probably know Ben is gone for a bit this summer - and I am so excited to see what God does in/through him. Gosh - I just know it is going to be breathtakingly beautiful. What you probably don't know is that I am walking through a place of grieving my parents. 22 + 17 years after their death (Mom + Dad, respectively) and it's something I've never done before. I am grieving losing parts of my childhood to abuse. I am grieving those moments when I was left physically alone by the ones who I thought would always be around.

Can I just be honest? It's been so hard. And it's hurt. And I think I cried more last week than I have in such a long time. The grief ebbs and flows - but there is joy running underneath at all.

Simultaneously, I am watching God's hand orchestrate beauty that I would have never dreamed possible (see what I did there? :)). Just in the past week - I got to meet with + counsel a beautiful woman from the SAME CITY that Ben is working at in the Philippines. Also, I got to pray with a beautiful Muslim woman in the Name of Jesus in the middle of a restaurant (a Japanese restaurant playing country music, mind you). His grace is so sweet and personal.

For years, I've been afraid of the darkness that my past would bring up. The death of my parents + dealing with the mess of my childhood is enough to cause someone to crack. For years, I've run from it. And, finally, I decided to quit. You know what I've realized?

The darkness isn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be - because, Jesus is right slam in the middle of it with me.

There is something beautifully redemptive about this season. I catch myself dreaming about the promises He has spoken to my heart. Dreaming of the day when I will walk down an aisle in white to a man I love, joining together to tell the story He has been telling all along. And the best part is, we'll get to tell the Story to some who have never heard it before.

I dream + taste the redemption He is unfolding in my life. I am beginning to actually believe that I am beautiful + His beloved instead of unwanted and screwed up. Even though it hurts sometimes, even though it's hard - His grace abounds.

And, because of Jesus, I dream in the darkness.

If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You. 
Psalm 139:11-12

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Being Redeemed.

{Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.} - Jesus, John 14:27

I come from a very broken family. In this season of my life, I am seeing my own belief of lies from that brokenness spring up in various relationships - especially with my sweet boyfriend. Over and over again, throughout the course of my life, I have seen numerous people - whose blood has a lot of similarities with mine - come in and out. I've been left behind/passed over on a lot of different occasions and have felt unwanted quite a bit (see - there's a lie right there...unwanted.). When things got hard, I've seen people leave. When things got heated, words cut deep, wounding my heart, leaving me bleeding. I've also done quite a bit of wounding (I'm not innocent, friends.). Words fly like arrows fast released from a bow in this type of dark brokenness. I've felt the sting of feeling like an orphan, heard the Enemy hiss, whispering words of unbelief into my already lie-prone heart.

I'm not telling you this so that you'll have pity on me. Please, save that for someone else. I'm telling you so that I can explain why the verse you see at the top of this page has been turning over and over again in my heart since I read it earlier today.

Jesus is different. This is true for you, too, dear reader. Can you just listen...real close...hear Him say it: I do not give to you as the world gives.

Find it hard to wrap your heart around that Truth? Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one. But, do you know the beautiful thing about Truth? It's still true, no matter how we feel about it.

I look at my life, and while there is tremendous pain and brokenness, there are also depths of joy that I struggle to put into words. There is a deep beauty that literally blows me away. Hear me, friend, look me in the eye...

Jesus will not leave you like your Dad (or uncle, or grandad, or husband, or fill-in-the-blank) did.

Jesus will not give you empty words of promise like the day when that family member (or friend, or significant other...)told you they were coming through for you and then they didn't.

Jesus will not deceive you, using you only for His own advantage, like the (dare I say it) man who told you that he loved you only to use you.

Jesus will not duck out when things get so hard that you do not think you can even lift your head up anymore.

He. Does. Not. Give. As. The. World. Gives.

You do not have to live in your past. Neither do I. Ever again.

This is not the past. This is redemption. Believe me, I know it's hard. I am slam in the middle of it. But, do you see the next words from John 14:27?

"Do not let you hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Can't you just hear His gentle voice, see His eyes filling with compassion as He whispers over us? See, though, that this is a command. Because Jesus is different, not giving as the world gives, we need not be afraid.

This Jesus, this Savior, is in it through the thick and thin. He is not afraid of our darkness. His scars are the marks of our redemption....He sure isn't gonna stop now. He will finish what He started.

We are being redeemed.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Chasing the Sunrise.

The sun sets again over mountains, turning the Blue Ridge pink. I watch and wonder if the sun remembers the command from One to stand still. The exhale of the day comes quickly as the cold creeps steadily across this ball of green and blue and darkness falls.


The darkness comes. And with it, thoughts of wishing the sun could, perhaps, go in reverse instead of standing still. But, that can't happen. It's not the Creator's will.

Our choices have weight. Each day, they ebb and flow, influenced by emotions, thoughts, feelings, belief, truth, lies, and everything in-between. While the Creator did cause the sun to stand still, He will not throw it in reverse.

The darkness stays for now.

Its hands hold the earth in a grasp lasting approximately 12 hours. Then, the warmth of the sun brilliantly flows through windows, coffee drip-drops into a pot, and sleepy eyes open to the dawn of a new day.

The morning always comes. The sunrise always sure.

But, not yet. For now, darkness has the land in sway.

I blink and blink to adjust my eyes. Working through things long past in this darkness. It always has a way of bringing things up that you never really wanted to see again. Never wanted to speak of or feel. The darkness washes up lack of trust, fear of vulnerability, uncertainty. And I am left here. In the darkness. With it all.

But not alone.

There is One who stays, even in the midst of darkness. One who does not fear it or falter because of it. He is the One who issued the command for the sun to stand still...and the One from Whose mouth, the sun came into existence.

He is present in this darkness. And He does not move or budge.

Together, we chase the sunrise.

He whispers to my weary heart: ---> It won't be this way forever, Beloved. The Light is coming. Be held by Me. <---

His gentleness melts my heart as my eyes turn toward the horizon...

the Sunrise is coming.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Spring is Coming.

I am just winding down after a beautiful Sunday - it was almost 70 degrees here the middle of February. I took a nap with my bedroom window open after having an impromptu lunch with a friend from church. It was lovely.

I'm home now. The window is still open. There is a candle burning. And I just started a load of laundry - gearing up for the new week.

Days like today remind me that Spring is coming. I mean, really, how often do we get a 70 degree the MIDDLE OF WINTER (Thank you, Virginia!). I get excited for Spring and warmer weather. Also, everything starts to turn green, flowers bloom, and the earth becomes alive again. It will not be winter forever.

Today, as I have thought about this, I saw it as applicable to my life now, and I wonder how it may apply to you as well. Right now, my life is beautiful. I am super busy, finishing out my last semester of my undergraduate career. Jesus keeps giving me "random" ministry opportunities and just refreshing my heart in the Truth of the Gospel. I am falling more in love with Him every day. My relationship with Ben (my boyfriend) is growing and I am so excited to be adventuring with him.

But, there are struggles too. My heart tends to fear. I struggle to trust Jesus sometimes - especially when it comes to those areas of my life that require trust in other relationships. In the moments that my heart is overwhelmed with these lies, it feels like winter in my soul. And, if I'm honest, sometimes I want to run away and hide. I wonder if I will ever be able to wrap my heart around Truth and actually walk it out. I wonder if it will always be this way.

Do you have struggles like this to? Are there moments when you think that you will never be free?

Listen and be encouraged, dear reader, Spring is coming.

Resurrection is on the way.

Jesus breathes life into those cold, dark places where Winter tries to hold fast. And, when Jesus does this, Winter can't hold on. Jesus promised freedom to His children - let's learn to trust Him. Let's be brave together. For the same power that rose Jesus from the dead is at work - right now - in our lives. What a glorious time for Winter to end and Spring to begin...

"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." Song of Solomon 2:11-12