It's late. Or is it early? I'm not sure. But it doesn't matter...cause Jesus is here. And He's outside of time.
Tonight I find myself absolutely floored by the sheer amount and intensity of the grace the He so freely lavishes on me and ragamuffins like me. For crying out loud, HE is the KING of the UNIVERSE. Tonight I wrote to Him and said that His ocean was full of so much grace that He could fill like a thousand planets. That's about as big as my brain can comprehend...who am I kidding, it doesn't even comprehend that. Oh, His grace. His grace. His grace. His grace. It never gets old. It never runs out. It never stops gently tearing apart these things in me that don't belong. It never stops ferociously drowning me with a hope and boldness and tenacity I don't understand. He (Jesus and grace are synonymous...He IS Grace!!!) never quits the pursuit of this wandering heart. He never stops conforming me into His image.
This King. He holds all things together. You and me. The smallest cells. The biggest galaxy. He's got it in the palm of His hand. THE PALM!!! And our names are written there too. :)
This King. The King of glory. Came to be mutilated on the cross for our redemption. But, it was impossible for death to keep it's hold on Him. So now He lives. Forever exalted. Forever praised.
Oh, He is good. He is glorious. He is worthy. He is holy.
Let's surrender to Him....
let's dance with Him...
let's get lost in Him...
Oh, for grace to trust You more.